Coors Light Billboard 2006

Summer is here again and that can only mean one thing, the new Coors Light Billboard is up! I think it came out pretty cool this year. Jacqui over at Shore Point Distributors came up with the concept and tag line and I did the shoot this year at The Headliner a few months ago. My main man Chris helped me piece and put everything together and there it is 🙂 It still is a great thrill to drive up to it for the first time and see something you worked on larger than life! Its also a great feeling overtime you drive by it and see it as well! I notice something different every time 🙂 Pretty Amazing!

Andrew At the Bat

Nicky, Jos and I went to the ballpark to check out my nephews baseball skills! He is pretty awesome and we got to see TWO games because he got called up to the next level for a fill in player! Great Job Andrew!

Farewell Bucky

Bucky is a near and dear to me treasure as I grew up. He is a wooden statute from Dartmouth College, where my uncle had attended and was a gift to my grandmother and father. When I would go visit my grandmother as a kid, I would always be drawn to him. Lets face it, in your grandmothers house as a kid, there wasn’t much to play with. My grandmother had passed away some time ago and I had held on to Bucky for a long time.

After we moved we have been cleaning up and consolidating everything in the house. By sheer coincidence, my uncle was coming to town and was attending his Dartmouth 50th year reunion! So I figured it was time for him to go back home and to be loved by many! Good Luck Buck, you will be missed!

Dartmouth College
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dartmouth College is a private academic institution in Hanover, New Hampshire, in the United States. It is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution. Founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, with funds partially raised by the efforts of a Native American preacher named Samson Occom, it is the ninth-oldest college in the United States and the seventh-wealthiest in terms of funds per-student. In addition to its liberal arts undergraduate program, Dartmouth has medical, engineering, and business schools, as well as 18 graduate programs in the arts and sciences; hence it would tend to be called a university in standard American usage. For the sake of tradition- in part stemming from the legacy of the landmark Dartmouth College Case – and in order to emphasize the central importance it gives to undergraduate education, however, it refers to itself as a college. With a total enrollment of 5,700, Dartmouth is the smallest school in the Ivy League. It is incorporated as Trustees of Dartmouth College.

Rain Out!

Wednesday’s Yankees-Red Sox game in New York has been postponed due to rain, and no makeup date has been set.

DRATS! I am a fan of the Yankees/Boston Rivalry and when RD invited me to go with some kick ass tickets, how can I say no! O well, hopefully I can go to the makeup game! Should be fun and only my second time to Yankee Stadium!

Next – Pixar – Ratatouille


This should be interesting! Very curious to see what direction this is going to go in 🙂 Brad Bird is amazing! The title does not seem very Pixar! We will see!

RATATOUILLE is currently slated for a June 29, 2007 release. It’s co-directed by Brad Bird (you know, he directed IRON GIANT and THE INCREDIBLES and Bob Peterson – whose involvement with past Pixar projects ranges rom art/animation to voice work.

Ratatouille is a rat who lives in the sewers near a fancy uptown and upscale restaurant run by a famous but eccentric French chef, Chaz Morinto. This rat fancies himself a gourmand, but his father tells him he should grow up and learn to eat garbage like other rats. When Ratatouille is caught in the restaurant one night, he endangers every rat in the sewer when The Exterminator is called.

Brad Garrett as Chef Chazz
Johnny Depp as Ratatouille
Russell Allman as Snive
Christopher Lee as Pat
Keanu Reeves as Garr
Christopher Walken as Winston
Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Exterminator

The trailer for Diseney/Pixar’s RATATOUILLE is now on-line. This trailer is in French…appropriately enough…and is (presumably) the same material we’ll get in English when it’s attached to CARS (which will be released June 9).

AIC News: ShoWest: Quint has seen Pixar’s RATATOUILLE trailer!!!

You can access the RATATOUILLE trailer Here

Here is the French-to-English translation!

And tonight before dessert, for your enjoyment, we introduce the cheese plate. We have this delicious goat cheese bell, real lite, real sweet. Then, an ewe that will satisfy you with its generous perfume. But, last but not least, a real old and real special…

It’s a rat!

– And there I am. I think I have to reconsider my life. There’s nothing I can do, it’s over my strength, I love good food, ok? And good food is very hard to find for a rat.

– You would find I you weren’t so requiring.
– I don’t want to eat in dustbins, dad… What’s that?
– I have no idea.
– You have no idea, but you eat it anyway, don’t you?
– You know, if you can close the exit after you throw up, you have a whole lot of possibilities for food.
– Voilà! That’s exactly what I meant.

(Over the movie title) Nothing of this would have happened I we did not live in Paris! And it’s sooo easy to find good food in Paris! But… it’s dangerous. [un-freeze].

– You have to reconsider you life!

– You know, he is right!

– Dad, it’s enough!


The title says : Diner will be served… summer 2007.

IMDB : Ratatouille (2007)

Sirius Pulls Even With XM; Stern Is The Reason

A new technology poll from Jacobs Media says XM and Sirius are now equally popular, but the momentum — largely driven by Howard Stern — is shifting toward Sirius.

Overall satellite radio subscribership increased from 7% in 2005 to 12% in this year’s survey of rock listeners. But when compared to other new media — Internet streaming, iPod ownership and usage, and cell phone applications — satellite radio remains a medium that is still in its infancy.

That’s because the majority of respondents still like their radio free. In response to an “agree” or ”disagree” statement — “I will not pay for radio when I now get it for free” — seven of every ten poll takers agree or agree strongly.

The Jacobs poll reveals a dead heat between Sirius and XM — both are tied with 6% each among all respondents. Not surprisingly, men are more apt to subscribe to either service, as are 30-39 year-olds, college grads, and those with a household income of $100,000 and more.

Interestingly, the reasons current satellite radio subscribers selected either XM or Sirius were largely driven by the programming and marketing strategies that each company has employed.

For XM, the top reasons for signing up are the music channels (24%), commercial-free programming (14%), the belief that XM is good while traveling (12%), and because it came with the vehicle that they purchased or leased (11%).

Sirius subscribers, on the other hand, were heavily motivated by the arrival of Stern. Overall, one-third (32%) of those who now pay for Sirius list him as the key factor in their decision. Other reasons include the music channels (19%), and commercial-free programming (12%).

read more | digg story

WPLJ Summer Kick Off With The Beach Boys

Another Year, Another WPLJ Summer Kick Off with Scott And Todd! 🙂 This is at least my 7th year covering this massive Jenkinson’s event. In the past, I have shot it for Jenks, but the past two years, Coors Light have hired me to cover the event. It kind of SUCKS waking up at 5am, just working the Thursday Night Kick Off at Jenks the night before with my boys, Big Orange Cone, but I grin and bear it and get down there! I have seen Melissa Melissa Etheridge, Hootie And The Blowfish, The Go Go’s, Train, Goo Goo Dolls, Bowling For Soup and this year, The Beach Boys!

At first, I was a little disappointed with the musical guest. I was like, what the hell! Looking back at all these other amazing artists, I kind of felt ripped off! After going to the event and the more I thought of it, who would be a more perfect band to kick off summer! I was thinking, come on, these guys are like legends in the music industry! I have grown up liking the Beach Boys over the years and I guess I forgot how many songs I actually know and enjoyed! After seeing them live and meeting them, I was in this total Beach Boys mood for the past 2 weeks! They were actually really good and Mike Love was a great guy! I downloaded their greatest hits CD and have been enjoying it ever since!