HAPPY MAR10 DAY!!! CELEBRATION @ YESTERcades – Retro Arcade Game Room
My 100th Instagram Photo! Please Follow Me π !!!
Disney World November 2017
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Ahoy There Mates! Β AAAAaaarrrrr It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Make Yourself a Pirate! –Β www.pirateyourself.com
Here is the odd background about the day :Β
International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD) is a parodic holiday created in 1995 by John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy), of Albany, Oregon,[1] U.S., who proclaimed September 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate.[1] For example, an observer of this holidaywould greet friends not with “Hello,” but with “Ahoy, matey!” The holiday, and its observance, springs from a romanticized view of the Golden Age of Piracy. It has become a holiday for members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The Job Search Continues
Just wanted to thank everyone again for the job search support! π Β I have had a few people contact me looking for some website and photography work and its been awesome! Β I created a new personal site, RobFuzesi.com to feature some of my work. Β Please don’t forget to keep me in mind if you hear about a job or anyone who needs a website, photography, video services or web site hosting with my multimedia company 360 Multimedia! Thanks Everyone!!!
RobFuz(esi).com & WordPress
Hey everyone
Wait a sec, I need to blow off some dust on my ol BLOG! Β As you can see I converted my old blog to a WordPress system! Β I am really impressed with WordPress and plan on using it in all of my companies sites! I am very excited about the possibilites and the capabilities of what I can do with it! Β Also you may have noticed a new domain name! Β I registered RobFuzesi.com recently because IΒ accidentallyΒ let RobFuz.com lapse and some Asian person snagged it! Β Oh well, you snooze, you loose, so I am now going under a domain name that is 3 letters longer π Β I also set up word press on my custom server! Β This is something I wanted to do from day one of blogging and that alone is cool to server my own blog on my own site with amazing themes and plugins! Β I amΒ importedΒ my old blog and will try to keep up with my site more often! Β Welcome Back! π
The NEW RobFuzesi.com, Well Sort Of
Hey to anyone still reading my dusty old Blog! With MySpace, Facebook, Youtube and now Twitter becoming so popular, I forget about my lil ol Blog a lot :(. I have finally updated RobFuzesi.com as a portal to EVERYTHING in my little cyber world and will be updating everything more often! So sit back, relax and explore the world of Rob Fuz π
Walter Schirra dies at 84
As a kid, I went to Walter Schirra Elementary school. All the schools around my town were named after Astronauts. Walter Schirra had came to the school and I got to meet him. As much as I can remember, he was a good man. Sorry to see him go.
Astronaut was credited with many firsts in space
SAN DIEGO (AP) – (05/03/07)–Walter M. Schirra Jr., one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts and the only man to fly on NASA’s Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs, died Thursday. He was 84.
Schirra died of a heart attack at Scripps Green Hospital in La Jolla, said Ruth Chandler Varonfakis, a family friend and spokeswoman for the San Diego Aerospace Museum. NASA had said he died late Wednesday but the family and the medical examiner’s office both said it was Thursday.
Wally, as he liked to be called, took his first flight with his father at age 13 and already knew how to fly when he left home for the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.
After graduation in 1945, Schirra served in the Seventh Fleet and flew 90 combat missions during the Korean War. He was credited with shooting down one Soviet MiG-15 and possibly a second. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Air Medals.
Schirra was inducted into the Naval Aviation Hall of Honor in 2000.
Survivors include his wife, Josephine, daughter Suzanne and son Walter Schirra III.
Farewell Bucky
Bucky is a near and dear to me treasure as I grew up. He is a wooden statute from Dartmouth College, where my uncle had attended and was a gift to my grandmother and father. When I would go visit my grandmother as a kid, I would always be drawn to him. Lets face it, in your grandmothers house as a kid, there wasn’t much to play with. My grandmother had passed away some time ago and I had held on to Bucky for a long time.
After we moved we have been cleaning up and consolidating everything in the house. By sheer coincidence, my uncle was coming to town and was attending his Dartmouth 50th year reunion! So I figured it was time for him to go back home and to be loved by many! Good Luck Buck, you will be missed!
Dartmouth College
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dartmouth College is a private academic institution in Hanover, New Hampshire, in the United States. It is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution. Founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, with funds partially raised by the efforts of a Native American preacher named Samson Occom, it is the ninth-oldest college in the United States and the seventh-wealthiest in terms of funds per-student. In addition to its liberal arts undergraduate program, Dartmouth has medical, engineering, and business schools, as well as 18 graduate programs in the arts and sciences; hence it would tend to be called a university in standard American usage. For the sake of tradition- in part stemming from the legacy of the landmark Dartmouth College Case – and in order to emphasize the central importance it gives to undergraduate education, however, it refers to itself as a college. With a total enrollment of 5,700, Dartmouth is the smallest school in the Ivy League. It is incorporated as Trustees of Dartmouth College.
Baby Update
O Well, she didnt make it to my birthday, but what can you do! She is really adoreable! Congrats guys! Uncle Rob
Thats what Evan said to me today when he got to meet his lil sister.
Sarah Ann was born at 4:10pm, 1/29/06. She is 8lbs. 13oz and 20 inches long.
We changed the name when we finally got to meet her, in honor of Dawns grandmother and my Mom.
Dawn is doing great…labor started at 5:40 am and she started pushing at 3:50pm & pushed her into the world after only 20 minutes!
Thanks to all who called and emailed, we love you all.
Goodnight, Gene
Dawn & Gene Baby Update
Thanks to everyone who has been checking in…
instead of 15 phone calls i decided to email everyone.
Shes late…way late.
We went to the doctors this morning & if she doesn’t give birth to our lil girl by Monday she will be induced that morning.
This also happens to be Rob Fuz’s bday, hes been calling this date all along.
Once again thanks to everyone whos called or emailed about Dawn and Sophia and we’ll send pics as soon as she arrives.
Thank You all, Gene
January 30th is a GREAT Birth Day ;0 π Good Luck Guys!
2004 – A Year In Pictures
Goo Goo Dolls – June 04
Underwater – June 04
The Late Indian Larry – AC June 04
Sterling Marlin, Jese – BlueClaws – June 04
Andrews Graduation – June 04
Shoot For The Coors Light Billboard – June 04
Coors Light Billboard – June 04
Wildwood – June 04
Van Halen – June 04
Self Portrait – July 04
Self Portrait, Daddy Pop – July 04
Sand Castle Contest, Glen – July 04
Hurricaine Harbor With My Pal Evan – July 04
4th Of July With The Girls – July 04
Gene’s Birthday – July 04
All Star Game – Houston – July 04
All Star Game – The Los Lonely Boys – Houston – July 04
Pietra’s Sweet 16 – July 04
Harold’s – July 04
Cheap Trick’s Robin Zander – July 04
Shopping – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
Italy – August 04
September 11th, 2004
Another AC Trip – September 04
My First Trip To Yankee Stadium – September 04
Coors Light Promotion – October 04
Bon Jovi – November 04
NYC – December 04
Hey Ok, I know my site robfuz.com has a lot of dust on it π That’s why I decided to share my pretty much private blog with the world π It’s been 2 months and I have been keeping up with this thing π I knew when it was fairly a success when I started to get complaints that it had not been updated! I would like to announce I am integrating my blog with my homepage, an idea I have had from the start. This is a small step but my personal site will be updated and have some fresh content in the future as well! If your not new to my Blog, you can now just type www.robfuz.com and get to this blog. If you did find this blog through RobFuz.com and you are new, welcome π
– Rob