#FrankieFriday – Spoiler Review Of Endgame And We Got Mail!
#FrankieFriday #MarchMadness 2019
Don’t Miss #FrankieFriday TONIGHT #MARCHMADNESS @ 4:30EST Before Our 2 Week Break! @DisneyDan Resort Bracket 2019 #SpeedBracket . Frankie, Me And The Chat Will Vote! Here Is The Bracket So You Can Play Along At Home! –

NY Knicks February 28th 2019
The “Solo” Teaser discussion w/ HIMT
The “Solo” Teaser discussion w/ HIMT Cesar!
Please Subscribe to my friend’s YouTube Channel !
“Hidden Mickey”
Big Yellow Taxi
My 100th Instagram Photo! Please Follow Me 🙂 !!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
@RobFuz Mario!
Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets
Very Cool Animation! Check it out!
– The ever-innovative Michel Gagné has posted the twelve INSANELY TWISTED SHADOW PUPPETS interstitials and bumpers that he created for Nickelodeon’s “Halloween Shriekin Weekend.” They are short but ingenious pieces of Flash animation. Michel’s kinetic, in-your-face style of timing and animation creates an energetic mood unlike any other animated film I’ve seen recently. As part of his contract with MTV, Michel wisely negotiated that he be allowed to show the unedited spots on his website, and these “Director’s Cuts” versions currently on his site differ significantly from what aired on Nick.
16 and 32 PEOPLE!!!!
AGAIN I saw the man in action. Sets his hand up, looks at the crowd, looks back at the camera tweaks it a lil looks back at the crowd, turns smiles BAM!!! The 1 take wonder god gets 16 PEOPLE IN ONE SHOT! BTW – The contest is getting HUGE I think I got another person in on it and people keep asking me when I am striking next! Will I get it here? Will I strike in Italy! Tune back and see!
WOW, Gleny strikes back the very next day with this way over the top GEM – 32 PEOPLE! This is getting tough! Clearly these people were unaware of the contest, but I am the judge, and if Gleny cracks me up, well it is good enough for me! 33 Here I come!
Gangbusting Harold’s!
For those of you who do not know of Harold’s (a rather large deli/restaurant in Edison), let me enlighten you in our experience! For Dean’s birthday we took him out to his place of choice, Harold’s.
I have been there before and know of the magnitude of the food there! Their sandwiches are literally enough meat for a good 5-6 people, it is insane! As Jos put it, Dean, Billy and I were like GANGBUSTERS! hehe. We ordered 2 smaller sandwiches for 3 people! All said and done we had enough leftovers for another 6 sandwiches or more. I have my lunch still for tomorrow!
Dean went the bacon cheeseburger route, with at least a pound of bacon! Unreal
Check out just one of our sandwiches!
The cakes are HUGE! Dean said he literally cut 15 slices from one piece of cake last time he was there! Although it was Dean’s birthday, we all agreed to throw in the towel and NOT get the cake!
All in all, the damage was done! Don’t know when I will be ever back there again! It was a birthday event to speak about for years to come! Can we go back to hibachi next year 😉
Self Portrait Hall Of Fame
Me And RD Getting The Now Famous “HOPPY” Cake
Ever wonder where the hell those photos I take with u go? Well, here they are in my Self Portrait Hall Of Fame! 🙂 Did you make the cut?
Belmar Sandcastle Contest 2004!
Just wanted to congratulate my bud Gleny and the Gleny Team for as he phrased it “Taking Home The Plastic Gold” and taking First Place in this years Belmar Sandcastle contest ! GREAT JOB! Thanks for my 6″ Subway sub prize as well! 🙂