Yes I am now the proud father of our new baby boy, Nicholas Robert!
He was born on June 29th at 6:20pm
He is 8 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long!
Everyone is well and he is awesome!
He look a lot like me but I see his a lot of his mom in him ๐
King Kong Trailer
Holy Smokes! The Trailer Looks AMAZING! All the NBC networks last night showed a 3 min trailer of the new King Kong Movie Due December 14th! It looks so amazing! It is a remake of the Claccis 30’s King Kong and it looks like its gonna be an amazing movie! Check it out!
Coors Light Billboard 2005
MCBJ, Brenna, Liz, Rosa, Melissa and Stephine
I was lucky enough to be ask to create and shoot this years Coors Light Billboard! It was my 6th billboard I created, (4th one for Coors Light) and I think it is the best one to date! With the help of Jacqui helping out with the concept and my AMAZING KICK ASS graphic designer Chris, the billboard came out AWESOME! As usual it was pretty cold when we shot the girls 2 months ago but the shoot came out really nice! We also incorporated Coors Light’s MC BJ who does an awesome job MC’ing out at a lot of the Coors events!
Jon Bon Jovi CD Listening Party
Matt, JBJ, Vinnie
It was a great day at Elements the lounge, where I photographed a listening party for Bon Jovi’s new untitled CD that comes out September 20th 2005. The CD is really good and pretty much follows the same formula as the past two studio CD’s Crush and Bounce.
Jon Bon Jovi came in and did a hour and a half Q & A and it was a lot of fun. I enjoy listening to him talking about the history of Bon Jovi and where they are heading. It was very informative and I had a great time.
After the Q & A I did a photo shoot with about 300 fans upstairs in the VIP room of Elements. Elements if you have not been there, is an awesome club and you should defiantly check it out this summer! There is another listening party in July and I believe I will be covering that one as well ๐
2005 All Star Game Voting! – YOUR VOTE COUNTS
Its that time of year again to VOTE! No not for a new president, but for your favorite players for the All star Game in Detroit! I will NOT ๐ be going this year, but will follow it heavy from home!
Made It Big Time On The Painted Gleny Short Bus!
I have know Gleny for quite some time now, it’s prob been over 2 years! I met him one night at the Headliner! He shares the same passion as I do and that is photography! Gleny is the king of the Jersey shore when it comes to having fun and taking your picture. All in the name of fun and its a real good time.
Over the years, Gleny has had a few unique automobile projects to add to his fun. Gleny likes to have amazing looking vehicles when he participates in parades or events to get the word out about his website and to bring everyone more fun. Part of his tradition is to paint whatever vehicle is in use.
He recently obtained a “short bus” and this one is the best one yet! Part of the painting is a collection of all of his posse’ and I am honored to be in on the cast of characters this time!
I have checked out the bus myself already and it is REALLY AWESOME! Thanks Gleny and Mesha and I am happy to be on the short bus!
The Wedding Of Karen And Joey
Congratulations to Karen And Joey! The wedding was AMAZING and prob one of the nicest weddings I have ever been too! I was lucky enough to be asked to be a reader at the wedding and, if I may say so I did pretty damn good ๐
RobFuz Doing “The Reading”
Karen And Joey Are MARRIED!
Hot Tub Joey and RobFuz
A Great Shot!
The Fuz Posse
Joe And Shana They Are NEXT ๐
RobFuz And Karen
The Atrium room
Philadelphia Phillies – Citizens Bank Park
Well, we finally made it out to the almost brand spanking new Philadelphia Phillies new Citizens Bank Park. Everyone who know me knows I am a sucker for a new ballpark and this one was awesome! There is no baseball experience better then attending a game at one of these new MEGA ballparks! It is really nice to just walking and only walk down like 20 steps to get to your seat! You can also catch all the action while u get up and walk around, or if you are in a line. The Phillies played the Barry Bondless Giants and beat them 6 – 5 in a great game! The entire Philly complex is really sweet. I have not been there in a long time and it has totally changed! I can’t wait to go to an Eagles game too! That stadium looks awesome as well!
Independence Hall – the birthplace of our nation
Penn’s Landing near our hotel
Citizens Bank Park
At the Game!
JW, Mickey, Lisa, Robfuz
Batting Practice
Mickey, Lisa my crew from Tokyo!
What else do you get when are in Philly, a Philly Cheesesteak
Lisa’s Main Man – Kat! BIG PHILLY FAN! ๐
Philies Dug Out
Killer Scoreboard! Out of the way, no HUGE ads
Kat And Lisa
Jos, RF and JW
Gotta love the Coors Light Plastic Bottle
Made it on the scoreboard, but it came out BLURRY ๐
The best mascot EVER the Phillie Fanatic!
G5 & RobFuz’s PlayStation Portable – PSP
Wow! What a week! First as my bud Chris puts it, I have turned to the dark side! Getting my Mac G5 that is hehe I really do love it and after “Pimping my G5” by adding the Airport Extreme Wireless Card, Bluetooth and adding The latest OS 10 Operating system Tiger all loaded, it is really making me want to convert! I still like a lot of things on the PC better and some of the substitutes on the Mac I was not as impressed with. It is really like starting over in some respects, learning a whole new operating system and computer. Trying to figure out, what is what and having that mystery and trying to figure basics again for the first time is a really weird feeling. I think once I get a lot of it down i will get a better feel for the Mac.
Just when you thought it was safe, I finally got my PSP! Holy crap, I played Chris’s and Rory’s but now I have a portable system to call my own. Granted, I did get a Nintendo DS over the holiday season, but unfortunately I did not really have any interest in any of the DS games out there and even resorted to buying some Game Boy Advance games instead.
I got to play a lil bit so far with my system and it really does live up to all the hype! I got 3 games for it already, ATV Off-road Furry Blazin’ Trails which is a really cool ATV racing game. I never heard of it before and I tried it first and it is a fun game. Next I tried Wipeout Pure, a game I had planned on getting all along, just for the simple fact you can hack the PSP and go online with it and surf the web! I looked into it and it kind of seems like a real pain in the ass, so I will put that challenge on hold for a bit. This is also a racing game, where you are racing ships in the future. It kind of reminds me of Star Wars Pod Racer and is another good racing game. Last but defiantly not least was Twisted Metal Head On. This game really rocks and is defiantly my favorite of the three! It is really demented and is a fun game to just pick up and play. It is defiantly as good as the old PS1 version I played years back!
I also tried a few other things on the PSP like photos and music files and it really is an impressive portable media center. They give u a measly 32 meg card, so there’s not much u can do with it, so plan on spending some bucks on getting a 1 gig stick to really hold the music, pod casts, saved games and video I plan on storing on it. I was a lil disappointed how smudgy and dirty it gets as soon as you make contact with it. Will these companies EVER learn ๐ I will check back soon on more of my gadgets! I am off to Philly tomorrow to a Philley’s game at their new stadium! I can not wait!