The New iPod with video & PJ’s King Kong

I got my lil mitts on the latest 5th generation ipod with video! I must admit, it is really really nice! Its a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be and everything I expected. The screen is real nice in color and very smooth interface! I am totally not used to for one thing color and photos let alone streaming video on an ipod! They had 2 videos on the ipods to demo. A preview of the new movie Curious George and the trailer for King Kong! The video played real smooth and it sounded amazing on those Bose headphones they always push πŸ™‚ It is a MUST HAVE gift for me this Christmas and I am looking forward to getting the 60 gig πŸ™‚ I am actually GLAD I did not buy the ipod nano and held out for this bad boy!

Speaking of King Kong, you MUST go to the Apple site and check out the new 2 plus minute, making of video they have on there! The movie looks AMAZING and I am really looking forward to it!

Apple-Trailers-King Kong

Kong is | King Kong movie news and rumors

Peter Jackson’s King Kong

Spiderman 2

Very excited to see the new Spiderman πŸ™‚

I hope to watch it this weekend and get my coments up ASAP πŸ™‚

It now has the record for the biggest opening day ever @ 40.5 million dollars on its FIRST DAY! Unreal!

On another note : RIP Marlon πŸ™

Harry Potter 3

Well I did get a chance to catch the latest Harry Potter movie, it did not disappoint. The movie in true Harry Potter fashion got u going through the entire movie like an amusement park ride! I loved the special effects, especially the creatures in the movie. I did notice however a difference in the way the characters reacted together. I think this is mainly because of a new director. I am a big fan of the past director Chris Columbus. I like the way he develops his characters in his movies and the way you learn about each character and their relationship to others, but all in all I enjoyed the movie greatly, so much I am starting to READ yes READ the HP series πŸ™‚

The last Sopranos ROCKED! I LOVE that show! Looking forward to next season and disappointed there are only 10 episodes left πŸ™ SUCKS!

Summer Movies


Hey πŸ™‚ Ok I have a lot to talk about. hehe Saw Shrek 2 Pretty good movie! I heard there are 2 more on the way! Must be a nice gig walking into a studio for 2 days and make all that cash πŸ™‚ Also saw Van Helsing Pretty Bad! πŸ™ was looking really forward to it! What happened? What went wrong? It looked great but it feels like a 3rd grader wrote it Sucks πŸ™ o well enuff ranting! Looking forward to Harry Potter 3 πŸ™‚ Also read those actors will do the entire set of books. I hope Harry’s hormones don’t kick in. HeHe