Goo Goo Dolls – Memorial Day Weekend 04

Photo By Rob Fuzesi – 360 Multimedia LLC

Just got back from Jenkinson’s this morning for the annual WPLJ summer kick off! it RAINED again this year 🙁 I am feeling like memorial day weekend is the weather “Ground Hogs Day” of the summer! It rains and 6 more weeks of crappy weather 🙁 Well I HOPE it does not go that way! did I mention I am BEAT? hehe The Goos never sounded better! Although they are impossible to photograph 🙁 Johnny Resnick always has his damn hair covering his face! SUCKS! But I managed to climb on the bar and get some good shots that will be posted on and 🙂 Here is the set list : Black Balloon, Iris, Slide, Here Is Gone, Sympathy and Broadway Robbie the Fake Red Headed Bass player did a song as well I think called Smash! hehe The Benjamins were in the house as well! Good to see the boys in front of that huge crowd. Jos and I are off to the Blueclaw game tonight! Hopefully it does not rain 🙁 Off to take a nap!

Got to see our great friend Liz and her new man Steve (great guy) on Sunday and got to see my Brothers Family and my parents on Monday! 🙂

Photo By Rob Fuzesi – 360 Multimedia LLC

Summer Movies


Hey 🙂 Ok I have a lot to talk about. hehe Saw Shrek 2 Pretty good movie! I heard there are 2 more on the way! Must be a nice gig walking into a studio for 2 days and make all that cash 🙂 Also saw Van Helsing Pretty Bad! 🙁 was looking really forward to it! What happened? What went wrong? It looked great but it feels like a 3rd grader wrote it Sucks 🙁 o well enuff ranting! Looking forward to Harry Potter 3 🙂 Also read those actors will do the entire set of books. I hope Harry’s hormones don’t kick in. HeHe

Tonight! 5/27/04

The Summer unoficially kicks off Tonight 🙂 heading out to one of my old stomping grounds for NJCoors.Com to see Big Orange Cone! Come on down and say HI 🙂 Should be fun will be back on Saturday night as well!

I Love This :)

Just trying out another way to post on here! VERY COOL!

A quick shout out to my LADY OF THE RINGS 🙂 Pietra, part of my inspiration to post a Blog 🙂

Busy Memorial Day Weekend this weekend! Jenks / Cone Thursday, 4 Gigs on Friday FOUR starting 5 am taking picture of the GOO GOO DOLLS! Been there, but hey always fun to see the Goos! Followed by a Blueclaw game and off to Donovans and The Windansea and pack to Jenks for another Cone / Coors Gig! Come on out, Ill buy u a beer or 2 🙂

Coors Light Summer Jam

I am posting from my Pocket PC! I love this thing. Had the Coors Light Summer Jam last night. It was pretty wild! All my buddys from the Coors world were there! I must have known at least 200 people! It was nuts walking accross the bar with everyone saying hi to you every 2 mins. It was a great event! Check out the shots on I even made it on there! I am lucky having met so many GREAT PEOPLE!


Ok, Im starting off real silly 🙂 I think I have attempted to BLOG in the past but it never got that far 🙂 If you are along for the ride be warned! I CAN NOT SPELL! 🙂 There your warned hehe 🙂 The whole goal of this blog is to incorporate it into my new personal web site to bring some fun content to my site and to bring you into my lil crazy world! I am sure most of you reading this now already know me but if you don’t, I will keep you posted on my likes and dislikes and you will learn everything about me 🙂

Ok there is my first entry! With summer officially kicking off on Friday! This should be a WILD RIDE!

– Rob